
Uninsured & Underinsured Motorist Coverage

  • January 15, 2022

Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage (UM/UIM) is not a mandatory option on your auto insurance policy, but it is essential in order to protect you from drivers who have no liability insurance or have too little insurance to pay for all of the damages they may cause you in an accident.

WHAT IS UM/UIM COVERAGE? Uninsured (UM) and Underinsured (UIM) motorist coverage is a selection on your own car insurance policy that provides coverage for when you are involved in an accident with someone who has no liability insurance coverage or too little to pay for the damages they may cause you.  This coverage will provide the compensation you need if injured by a negligent uninsured driver or a negligent driver who does not have enough insurance.

HOW DOES IT WORK?  When you are hit by a negligent driver and sustain injuries, you may incur medical expenses, lost wages, loss of income, pain, and suffering.  Under NJ law you are entitled to bring a claim against the negligent driver for all the damage and harm they cause you.

Most NJ drivers, however, have NO liability coverage to too little coverage and will not be able to pay for the damages they cause.  In this situation, you will need to look to your own car insurance company for payment of these damages under your UM/UIM coverage. 

Stated a different way, when a negligent driver has no insurance or less insurance than you, your UM/UIM benefits on your own policy come into play. You can then recover the UM/UIM benefits of your own insurance policy to help compensate you for your injuries.


Many people do not select quality UM/UIM coverage on their auto policy because: 

  • They falsely believe that the driver who causes the accident will have adequate  insurance to pay for the damage they cause
  • They do not realize how important UM/UIM coverage is; or
  • They do not realize how affordable better UM/UIM coverage is.

Better Coverage is affordable! Choose to maximize your UM/UIM coverage today.

Choosing to have quality UM/UIM coverage on your insurance policy is the only way to guarantee that you and your family are protected from the unfortunate results of a car accident, such as unpaid medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, emotional distress, and wrongful death.

Let the attorneys at Antonucci Law help guide you through the insurance minefield and ensure you and your family are protected.

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