Registration for Work Injury Claims

At Antonucci Law, our accident lawyers balance extensive legal experience, skill, and genuine compassion to help people just like you set things right. 

Call (908) 747-4477 or submit the details below of how you were injured and to schedule a free, no-risk case assessment.

Work Accident

Names/Addresses/Job Title of any witnesses to the accident:

Workers' Compensation Insurance Carrier

Dates Paid by WC:
Periods Out of Work and Not Paid:

Injuries Sustained

Medical Treatment

Treatment Received

Physical Therapy

Prior or Subsequent Injuries

Dates of Prior/Subsequent Accidents:
General Description of Treatment Received:

Names and addresses of prior/subsequent physicians:
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Prior Lawsuits or Workers' Compensation Awards:
I understand that the answers I provide will be used to prepare my case, and if I am not completely honest, it will negatively affect the results of my case.